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Car Rental in Kyrgyzstan

Prefer to travel and discover by your own?

Than Car Rent Service will be perfect for you!

Various type of vehicles (more than 40) will meet all your requirements and needs. All you need is driver license and passport. Easy to register, 15 minutes and You are ready to go!

Our managers will help with documents and travel advices. Cars are insured and with full trunk of gasoline are waiting for new Adventures.

From €70 per day per car

  • You have to be older than 23 years
  • Driving experiense more than 3 years
  • Valid passport
  • Deposite is 300/500/700$ per car
  • When returning car it should be good technical condition (without damage), clean and with full tank gasoline

Vans and Busses

Planning your trip in big group?
- No problem!

We have Buses and Minivans with drivers for all type of groups and purposes.

Note: seats quantity may be less, incase of a lot of luggage or equipment
Mitsubishi Delica (L400) 4WD
5-7 seats
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 2008
10-18 seats VIP
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 2000
10-18 seats
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter
13 seats